Throughout the day random thoughts come to me. Whether it is in the wee morning hours when I'm barely awake, or when I'm driving to work, barely awake, there are occasional ideas that zip through my head that I could swear were pure genius. This has been happening for years. Unfortunately, many of these ideas and thoughts are forgotten as quickly as they are realized. Until recently.
A few weeks ago while driving to work I had a really funny thought, or at least it left an impression on me that it was funny because I couldn't remember specifically what it was. I tried several times to remember what it was so that I could tell Veep, because I knew she would think it was funny too. So in my frustration to remember what my really funny thought was, I decided to write down a few passing ideas I have had lately. These took the form of two lists, which are in no way complete. They are, however, somewhat telling as to who I am or at least my sense of humor. So here they are. I hope you find them as amusing as I think I thought they were (I can't remember for sure how amusing I really thought they were but oh well).
Things I like
laptop computers
college basketball
driving video games
skate videos
pepperoni pizza
getting comments on my sad little blog
Things I don't like
the expressions "you go girl", "da bomb", "my bad", and "don't go there"
NBA players
SUVs with shiny chrome wheels that spin backward
NPR pledge drives
people who make microwave popcorn at work (especially before lunch)
committee meetings
babies with faux-hawks
people who sign emails with "cheers"
Again, these are partial lists that I plan to add to as the seasonal winds of genius come and go. Stay tuned.